Today is the day when every one's future will be decided that this person will live longer or no more all the sin's we have done or the good deeds this day is named " shabay-e-barat" and this day also tells us that that ramzan is near this day each and every muslim should pray to allmighty ALLAH to forgive him for what ever he had done in the past time because ALLAH allmighty is the most mercifuler the most benificient and any one who reads my blog do understand it carefully it isnt a joke.
Ofcourse almighty is the most merciful and the most powerful!
Thanks for visiting your wishes and for visiting my blog.:-) take care.
inshallah all your sins will be forgiven if you pray with all you heart ...
Thanks for dropping my my place.:)
yep yep!
I am excited for Ramadan though. At least it will motivate me to pray more than i do now :)
thanks for ur commnets.
U have a good blog too.
Jus mind your spellings .
tc bye,
i second indr angel's thoughts.. nice blog.. just mind the spellings :)
n btw, "ramadan kareem" (thts how you wish, rite?)
p.s-thanks for visiting my blog n commenting in :)
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