Bomb blasts in Rawalpindi kill 25, wound 66 RAWALPINDI,
Pakistan, Sept 4 (Reuters) - Two bombs exploded in the garrison city of Rawalpindi during the morning rush hour on Tuesday killing 25 people and wounding 66. One bomb blew up a bus carrying Ministry of Defence employees on their way to work. The second went off on a motorcycle in the busy R.A. Bazar market area of Rawalpindi, the sister city of Islamabad where the army has its headquarters and Islamabad's international airport is located. “Both are terrorist acts and all the dead and wounded are Pakistanis,” he said. The bombs went off at about the same time, at around 7.20 a.m. The bus was completely destroyed and mutilated bodies lay on the street, a witness said. Soldiers cordoned off the area. “It was a huge blast and for a moment I went totally blank. General Arshad said it was not clear if the bombs were detonated by remote control or by suicide attackers. He said he could not give a breakdown of how many people were killed on the bus and how many were killed by the bomb on the motorcycle. more people were killed in the bus blast. Earlier, some officials said the workers on the bus were from an agency involved in atomic work. Police said some of the victims from the motorcycle bombing were from the military.
This is totally disgusting in every 2 or 3 months we hears about a sucide bomb blast but still we say that we love our pakistan because its our mother land.
oh ya sure ..u can...thanx
did you do that??
Sory to hear about this. Sad why ppl do all this.
I can't read this, makes me sad ;[
Hi Oomi,
It is really tragic how certain groups of people destroy lives and properties for their conscienceless causes. What kind of philosophy or religious beliefs would tolerate such kind of inhuman acts? Only the kinds with a warped sense of right and wrong. We have our own share of terroristic acts in our country. May they be dealt by God ever so severely. Thanks for the relevant and wonderful post. I like it. God bless you with all the wit and wisdom of this world.
This is just sad. I can only pray for my country :(
Thats truly sad incident, i was watching in news details about it and the scenes they were showing on television were really terrible... Two days back bridge scene in our city karachi and now this... :(
May Allah bless our country and all of us (Ameen)
Thanks for your words at my blog. Hope to see you around.
Take care
Very sad. We across the border also have to deal with the same miseries. It is disgusting.
Let us pray peace for the families of the victims.
dear now your blog is just 4 selected readers?i cant visit yours ?
so am i.
mel avila alarilla;
sir now this is what we call terroristic acts.
dear what else we can do accept praying.
my dear thats all.
I hate wars which is why I plan on going to war, end this nightmare...
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