Monday, September 10, 2007

"The Lion Is Back After 7 Years"

Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif whose symbol is LION is back after along time period of 7 years he was and is the best politicion i've ever seen since i am born this person when ruled pakistan 7 years before at that time pakistan was very very best as compared to now a days 7 years before when i was a kid at that time this graceful man was the ruler at that time nothing was so expencive every thing was in reach of a normal person at that time patrol was very cheep this is a small example what i am telling you'll.
So my friends this man is back today and now Musharaf has arrested him but we all know that this person is the best to rule PAKISTAN inshallah and the time will come back soon and that time is not so far when pakistan will be again the best as he left 7 years before.


Sam!! said...

Let me update dear your post, he is deported and send back to Jeddah again...

May Allah bless our country and we get rid of these political problems (Ameen)

Hope you're well.

Take care

Hira said...

yes....the dog sent him back to saudi..and now i m sure he wouldnt be coming back...

`NEFTY said...

Never heard of him lol.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Oomi,
Hope springs eternal. As long as one is alive, he/she can always hope for the best. Here's hoping that your country will be ruled again by a compassionate ruler who will put love of God and country first before his own vested interest. I pray that Pakistan will someday rise up to be the great country it ought to be. Thanks and God bless.

Jyoti said...


Noushy Syah said...

TQ for sharing oomi...I've read and heard the news about this political issue..

Watever it is, I wish you and your country well yea.

Take care and Raamdhan Mubarak to you.


WritingsForLife said...

huh? he is arrested?
i thought he was deported.
I think you need to kind of double check your facts :)

Your short poem was pretty :)

heiresschild said...

hi oomi, i saw this on our news also, although i don't know much about him. i was wondering why he had left the country in the first place. was it so he wouldn't be arrested or killed?

Noushy Syah said...

HI oomi,

How R U? Hope you're fine yea..

I've tagged you on 8 habits/facts randomly about yourself...when you've free time do visit my blog yea...I think it's fun too coz we could briefly know about our friends...


Princess Heidi said...

I just want to say hello. Have a nice day. God bless.

Sam!! said...

Ramazan Mubarak!!

Remember me in your prayers.

Allah bless u n us all (Ameen)

Take care

Bla said...

Never heard of him, either.

busy-writer said...

jeez sry, but i cant comment. i havent been reading the newspapers offlate :D vaguely remember hearin abt this guy tho..

P>S-updated my blog twice since your last visit! :)

Unknown said...

all of youll my friends i am really thankful to youll.

`NEFTY said...

Post new:]

baba_bilal said...

"I have really enjoyed your post, and have read somewhat similar thoughts on this post of Opposition Leaders

Yazi said...

yes i think it was a courageous decision to go back to Pakistan under current situation and army dictatorship.
Pakistan is intended to be a great nation, we at local level each person will have to bring in our part and progress it towards success...Inshallah!

thanks, tc ~/